Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Week 14 & 15 Video Blog Review

Lowbrow art is another style of art which I was never aware of. It is usually defined as distasteful however I think that with the rest of art it is all about interpretation. I also learned that even mechanics were involved in the lowbrow art movement by applying the style to automobiles. McCarthyism was also a topic displayed in this style of art. This doesn’t relate to my initial choice for the art project however I think that I would enjoy learning more about this. This was actually one of my favorite videos because it had many interviews with different artists that talked about a lot of the history of this style as well as many examples of different works.

Displaying Modern Art: The Tate Approach

Modern art is also one of my favorite styles of art and I feel that Generation Y also takes a view on this. I found it fascinating that they converted a power station into an art gallery. The success of the Tate Modern exhibit was instantaneous. A million people visited the museum in just 40 days. It quickly became the most successful modern art museum of all time. A majority of the art here is Western European and North American which are surrealists and pop works. There is also a very little respect to women artists. This style of art brought the works off of the walls and turned museums into loud and noisy environments. I have always been fond of modern art and thought about using this as a topic for my project however I am still undecided. I liked how this video explored multiple museums and showed how modern art changed the style and layouts of typical displays.

Bones of Contention: Native American Archaeology

This video was very interesting as it discussed a type of art than what is typical. It began by showing what looked to be a warehouse full of remains of Native Americans. Archaeologists are individuals that study the remains of ancient individuals. In 1976 Iowa passed a bill to protect burial grounds and many states quickly followed. Not only did individual archeologists get harmed by such laws however these laws then took aim at museums that housed remains. I feel that these kinds of studies are necessary to the field of science and our history. This video did not relate to my project at all because I never thought about the study of remains or by choosing a Native American theme. The video was very good as it showed how history had changed over time with the study. I enjoyed this video because it was on a subject that I knew nothing about.

George Eastman House

I liked this video because it related to both the studies and subject of this class as well as related to Rochester which is very close to Buffalo. He was the founder of Kodak as well as the first motion picture. He also created the first affordable camera for the masses and this would change the world forever. I think that this would be a great place to visit to see the amazing collection of pictures and equipment that paved the way to what we now know as pictures and photography. I really enjoyed how the video walked through the history of the equipment and the photographs and that the Eastman House has many items which are related. Over the past few years I have taken a great interest in photography. I bought a DSLR camera which saves on developing costs and allows me to take infinite pictures. I think that I have enough pictures of a specific theme that I could use my own collection for this art project but photography wasn’t my planed theme for project 4. This might change over the next couple of days though.

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